647 research outputs found

    Gedanken zur Vollbeschäftigung

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    "Dieses Diskussionspapier entstand auf Aufforderung des schwedischen Sekretariats für Zukunftsstudien und entwickelt thesenartig zunächst überraschend wirkende praktisch-utopische Ideen zur politischen Umgestaltung unserer Arbeitsgesellschaft. Es versteht sich als Beitrag zur gegenwärtigen Bewußtseinsveränderung und -sensibilisierung in diesen Fragen, die in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften - von Ausnahmen wie Schumacher und Binswanger abgesehen - bisher kaum das ökonomische Denken beeinflußt hat. Gunnar Adler-Karlson mit seiner Kritik der Wachstumsgesinnung, die neuerdings immer stärker vom Vollbeschäftigungspostulat her begründet wird, strebt ein Umdenken an. "Homo oeconomicus erdrosselt homo ludens" sagt Adler-Karlson und denkt in Richtung auf eine 'lebenswerte' menschliche Ökonomie weiter, die es politisch zu gestalten gilt und die der einstellungsmäßigen und praktischen Umkehr im Leben der einzelnen bedarf. So bezweckt er einen Denkanstoß zur ökologisch orientierten Diskussion um eine mögliche Zukunft, die es heute zu beginnen gilt, wenn sie überhaupt noch eine Chance haben soll. Nicht als fertiges Konzept will er seine Vorschläge verstehen, sondern als Denkanstöße zur Verbindung von individueller und gruppenmäßiger - auch alternativer - Lebenspraxis und einer staatlichen Arbeits- und Wirtschaftspolitik, die sich neue Orientierungspunkte setzt. Gegenüber dem Vorrang der Ökonomie in allen real existierenden Ordnungen will er neue Akzente setzen."Vollbeschäftigung, Zukunft der Arbeit, Arbeitszeit, Lebensqualität, Ökologie

    Áhrif hljóðgildis á skynjun sérhljóðalengdar í íslensku : er hægt að breyta stuttu [ə] í langt [ə] og öfugt?

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenSamkvæmt tveggja þrepa líkani um skynjun sérhljóðalengdar er aðeins gert ráð fyrir að lengdarhlutfall sérhljóðs og samhljóðs og talhraði hafi áhrif á skynjun sérhljóðalengdar. Þessir þættir eru ekki þeir einu sem hafa áhrif á skynjun sérhljóðalengdar, heldur hefur hljóðgildi sumra sérhljóða meiri áhrif en lengdarhlutfall. Við skynjun hljóðlengdar í sérhljóðinu e=[ε] er til að mynda ekki hægt að búa til langt [ε] úr stuttu [ε] og öfugt, þó að það sé hægt fyrir sérhljóðið [a] (Jörgen Pind, 1996). Ástæðan fyrir þessu virðist vera að hljóðgildi stutts og langs afbrigðis [ε] eru ólík. Þar sem hljóðgildi stutts og langs o=[o] og ö=[oe] eru einnig ólík, ættu sömu niðurstöður að koma fram. Í þessari rannsókn voru orðin /ko:na/, /kon:a/, /ka:na/ og /kan:a/ lesin og sérhljóð stytt og samhljóð lengd í orðum með löngum sérhljóðum en sérhljóð lengd og samhljóð stytt í orðum með löngum samhljóðum. Þetta var gert 10 sinnum fyrir hvert grunnorð og úr varð 10 áreiti sem mynduðu áreitaröð fyrir hvert orð. Þátttakendur voru 10 og áttu þeir að dæma um hvort orð sem þeir heyrðu væri /ka:na/ eða /kan:a/ og /ko:nva/ eða /kon:a/. Niðurstöður voru þær að mögulegt var að breyta löngu [a] í stutt [a] og öfugt. Hins vegar reyndist ekki hægt að breyta löngu [o] í stutt [o] og öfugt. Niðurstöðurnar renna styrkari stoðum undir þörf þess að endurskoða tveggja þrepa líkanið um skynjun sérhljóðalengdar þannig að tekið sé tillit til áhrifa hljóðgildis.The model of quantity perception on the perception of vowel quantity takes only in account vowel to rhyme (vowel + consonant) duration and speech rate as a cue for vowel quantity. However previous findings suggest that other cues should be taken into account as well. Pind (1996) discovered that spectral factor was a major cue in the perception of vowel quantity of [ε]. He found it was impossible to produce a phonemically long [ε] from a phonemically short [ε] and vice versa. On the contrary, vowel to rhyme duration was a major cue in the perception of [a]. Pind theorized that the spectral factors in long and short [ε] were heterogenous and therefore a stronger cue in perception of vowel quantity than vowel to rhyme duration. The spectral factors of long and short [o] and [oe] are heterogenous as in [ε] and thus analogous results should be expected. In this study four Icelandic word were modified; /ko:na/ (noun: woman), /kon:a/ (noun: male´s name; accusative), /ka:na/ (noun: american) and /kan:a/ (verb: examine or noun (feminine): a jug). The vowels were gradually shortened and the consonants lengthened in words with a long vowel but the vowels were gradullay lengthened and the consonants shortened in words with a short vowel or 10 times for each base stimulus creating four stimulus continua. Participants were ten and were supposed to judge if a word was /ka:na/ or /kan:a/ and /ko:na/ or /kon:a/. The results revealed that it did change perception for [a] but it did not change perception from one to the other for [o]. Spectral factor was a stronger cue than vowel to rhyme duration. In accordance with these results models of quantity perception should be revised in order to take spectral factors in account

    10403 Abstracts Collection -- Impact of Human Mobility on Communications : Measurement, Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation

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    From 06.10.2010 to 09.10.2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10403 ``Impact of Human Mobility on Communications : Measurement, Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation\u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    On the Performance of Pedestrian Content Distribution

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    Mobile communication devices may be used for spreading multimedia data without support of an infrastructure. Such a scheme, where the data is carried by people walking around and relayed from device to device by means of short range radio, could potentially form a public content distribution system that spans vast urban areas. There are basically only three system parameters that can be determined in the design: the transmission range of the nodes, the setup time when nodes make a contact, and their storage capacity. The transport mechanism is the flow of people and it can be studied but not engineered. The question addressed in this paper is how well pedestrian content distribution may work. We answer this question by modeling the mobility of people moving around in a city, constrained by a given topology. The model is supplemented by simulation of similar or related scenarios for validation and extension. Our conclusion is that contents spread well with pedestrian speeds already at low arrival rates into a studied region. Our contributions are both the results on the feasibility of pedestrian content distribution and the queuing analytic model that captures the flow of people

    Message from the IWQoS 2008 chairs!

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